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More adaptability for ERP software in Industrial Manufacturing

ERP software (ERP manufacturing/ERP manufacturing module) is more involved in Industrial manufacturing or production process because manufacturing becomes more projects based. Every year, most of the companies are changing their production strategies or technologies and they are involved in more complex, order driven modes like engineer-to-order (ETO). Now ERP solutions are used in both large business houses as well as small business houses. ERP is widely used in industrial machinery and component manufacturing too. They are trying to increase their potentially by differentiate themselves in the global marketplace. The process manufacturing sector traditionally spends more on IT because of the larger population of companies engaged in this activity as well as their scale of operations.

In general, the business and IT priorities of both process and discrete manufacturing are the same controlling inventory, production costs, marketing costs, and improving supplier and delivery channel relationships on the business front; and improving IT infrastructure, automating internal and external processes, and better decision-making using IT. At the same time there are differences in the emphases that are given to the various aspects of IT usage. In this analysis, we take the segments together when discussing areas where they exhibit similarity and separately when we discuss areas that distinguish them from each other.

Few manufacturing industries which use ERP listed below

Construction and contracting
Energy & Utilities
Hi-tech manufacturing
Industrial manufacturing
Oil & Gas
Process manufacturing
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